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TADs и элайнеры. Цифровая ортодонтия. Раннее ортодонтическое лечение. Асимметрия лица

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14 lecciones  (19h 13m)
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Chris Chang – настоящая живая легенда ортодонтии 21 века! Он является одним из самых известных и влиятельных ортодонтов на планете. Он известен своими невероятно эффективными практическими решениями.


 В ходе онлайн-курса Chris Chang расскажет о:


– раннем ортодонтическом лечении

– авторских методиках лечения импакции

– комбинированном использовании устройств временной опоры (TADs) и элайнеров

– малых операциях в повседневной ортодонтической практике

– протоколах лечения асимметрии

– безоперационной коррекции переднего открытого прикуса

– консервативном лечении дистального и мезиального прикусов

– цифровой ортодонтии

– взаимодействии ортодонтии и имплантации.

Habilidades que aprenderé en el curso

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Conferencistas (1 persona)

Dr. Chris Chang is the founder of Beethoven Orthodontic Center and Newton’s A Inc. in Hsinchu, Taiwan. He received his PhD in Bone Physiology and Certificate in Orthodontics from Indiana University. He is a diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics and an active member of Angle Society-Midwest. Dr. Chang is the publisher of JDO and has authored and co-authored many orthodontic books, including Orthodontics Vols. 1-6, as well as Words of Wisdom, Jobsology and Trumpology. He is the inventor of OrthoBoneScrews (OBS).

OHI-S is the world's leading educational platform for dentists worldwide!


Our core product is training led by the top global speakers in all branches of dentistry. On our platform, you will find courses covering every dental specialty. We offer a comprehensive range of educational formats: congresses, seminars, hands-on workshops, and online courses.


We provide education in 7 languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Ukrainian, Russian.


Our offline projects take place in the most picturesque locations around the world: Kyoto, Florence, Rome, Bologna, Vienna, Berlin, and Prague. Our clients always have a unique opportunity to combine acquiring valuable knowledge with experiencing rich cultural environments.


OHI-S is not just a platform, it’s an entire ecosystem for professionals. Our mobile application, marketplace, and specialized social network connect dentists from all corners of the globe, creating a powerful community for knowledge exchange and collective growth.