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Definition and development of vertical preparation
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Qué está incluido:
Programa de lecciones
– Why Vertical Preparation is underused? Prejudices about vertiprep;
– How to define a vertical preparation;
– Difference beetween feather and and knife edge;
– Edgeless and shoulderless preparation;
– Conceptional differencies between margin and non-margin preparation;
– What is Butt-bur in prosthodontics used for?
– Why is vertical preparation is friendly for periodontal patients?
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Conferencistas (1 persona)
Dr. Pasquale Venuti received his DDS from the University of Naples “Federico II” cum laude in 1999. He is in full time practice in Mirabella Eclano, Italy, as a general dentist. In cooperation with Dr. David Clark, Dr. John Khademi and Dr. Marco Maiolino he has founded a group labeled “Tomorrow Tooth”, whose goal is to share Outcome-Based and Patient-Centered Dentistry. He lectures internationally on a variety of topics related to restorative dentistry, endodontics and prosthodontics.

Tomorrow Tooth
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