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All-on-4® - хирургический протокол. Концепция для лечения полной и частичной адентии. Часть 2

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55 $

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Qué está incluido:
1h 42m
Acceso al registro durante 180 días

Programa de lecciones

– Подробный протокол диагностики пациента перед имплантацией

– Сложности при имплантации на верхней челюсти

– Использование скуловых имплантов: показания, протокол лечения

– Протокол All-on-4® Hybrid

– Протокол All-on-4® Extramaxilla

– Навигационная хирургия

– Клинические осложнения: диагностика, лечение:

- Связанные с имплантатами

- Связанные с костным графом

- Связанные с инструментарием

- Местные осложнения

- Функциональные осложнения

- Постхирургические осложнения

- Повторная имплантация.

– Разбор клинических случаев: видео протокол.

Habilidades que aprenderé en el curso

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Conferencistas (1 persona)

Ana Ferro joined the MALO CLINIC team in 2005. Practicing exclusively in periodontology, oral surgery and dental implant rehabilitation, Ana Ferro has an extensive knowledge of total
rehabilitations using the MALO CLINIC Protocol (All-on-4® Surgical Protocol) and was the sub-director of the Oral Surgery department of the MALO CLINIC Lisbon from 2010 to July 2015, currently being this Department`s Head. Interested in patient management and anxiety control, Ana Ferro also has an Academic Certification in Conscious Sedation from the Madrid Complutense University.

One of the MALO CLINIC key speakers, Ana Ferro, was the clinical subdirector of MALO CLINIC Education between 2007 and 2010 and has lectured in several national and international training events featuring Periodontology, Oral Rehabilitation, Implantology, Guided Surgery and Conscious Sedation. She is author and co-author of several scientific publications, and book chapters.

20-years track record of All-on-4 Rehabilitation Cases, 800 Cases/year in average.

93 peer-review scientifically articles published and 44 R&D currently ongoing projects.

Dedicated team and over 60 clinicians involved in R&D activities.

A multidisciplinary team with undisputable know-how, and experience in training & education activities.