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Qué está incluido:
2h 7m
Acceso al registro durante 180 días

Programa de lecciones

– Задачи эндодонтического лечения

– Исторические аспекты эндодонтии

– Пульпотомия: частичная и полная

– Современные тактики сохранения пульпы

– Диагностика заболеваний пульпы

– Частичная пульпотомия: преимущества

– Гистологические аспекты пульпотомии

– Биологический подход: плюсы

– Перспективы лечения глубокого кариеса

– Материалы для пульпотомии

– Современные перспективы лечения.

Habilidades que aprenderé en el curso

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Conferencistas (1 persona)

Dr. James L. Gutmann is Professor Emeritus in Endodontics/Restorative Sciences, Texas A&M University College of Dentistry, Dallas, Texas.

He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Endodontics, Past President of the American Association of Endodontists and Past President of the American Academy of the History of Dentistry, in addition to being the Editor of the Journal of the History of Dentistry.

He has presented over 800 lectures, papers, and continuing education courses in the United States and 52 foreign countries.

Additionally he has authored or co-authored over 300 articles in both dental journals that address scientific, research, educational, and clinical topics and 3 text books; and has taught full time for over 27 years at three major universities, in addition to being in endodontic practice.

He has received numerous awards, including but not limited to being awarded an Honorary Professorship at the School of Stomatology, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China; the Hayden-Harris Award from the American Academy of the History of Dentistry; a lifetime Merit Award from his high school, Marquette University High School in Milwaukee, WI; The I. B. Bender Lifetime Educator Award from the American Association of Endodontists; the Edgar D. Coolidge Award, the highest award conferred by the American Association of Endodontists and an Honorary Fellowship in Dental Surgery by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, Scotland.

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