Bruxismo. ?Psicosomatica o alteracion de la oclusion?
El curso incluye las siguientes lecciones:

Identificar banderas amarillas para mejorar el manejo de pacientes con bruxismo diurno y trastornos temporomandibulares
Iacopo Cioffi
Bruxismo y ortodoncia: una vision general
Mauro Farella
El bruxismo en los ninos: un cambio de paradigma
Claudia Restrepo
Tratamiento prostodontico e interdisciplinario del bruxismo
Carlo PoggioMostrar más (2)
Empezar el periodo de prueba
Conferencistas (6 persona)
Holds a DDS, a PhD in Anatomy and a MSc in Orthodontics.
Visiting Professor at the Division of Prosthodontics, Eastman Institute for Oral Health, University of Rochester (NY) (2009-present), a Visiting Professor for Interdisciplinary Treatments at the Postgraduate Program in Orthodontics in the University of Milan (2000-2012, 2015-present) and a Visiting Professor in the University of Siena (2016-present).
Member of the Executive Board and President Elected 2019-2020 of the Italian Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry (AIOP), with over 1500 members one of the largest Italian scientific dental societies.
Associate Fellow of the Academy of Prosthodontics and Counselor of the American Prosthodontic Society, member of the Cochrane Oral Health group (Manchester, UK).
1971 Assistant, Department of Orthodontics, Kanagawa Dental College.
1979 Assistant Professor, Department of Orthodontics, Kanagawa Dental College.
1988 Associate Professor, Department of Orthodontics, Kanagawa Dental College.
1991 President, Japanese MEAW Technic and Research Foundation.
1992 Active member of EH Angle Society of Orthodontists.
1996 Professor, Department of Orthodontics, Kanagawa Dental College.
2002 Professor, Department of Craniofacial Growth and Development Dentistry, Division of Orthodontics, Kanagawa Dental College.
2004 Visiting Professor, Tufts University, School of Dentistry, Boston, USA.
2010 Academic Dean, Kanagawa Dental University, Yokosuka, Japan.
2011 Academic Dean, Shonan Junior College, Yokosuka, Japan.
2014 Research Institute of Occlusion Medicine, Kanagawa Dental University, Yokosuka, Japan.
2014 Member of IDEA Faculty, San Francisco Bay Area, Ca, USA.
PhD in Neuroscience University of Amsterdam.
Member of the world committee of experts on Bruxism.
Author of scientific publications in peer review journals in Bruxism and Temporomandibular Disorders in Children and Adolescents.
Mostrar más (2)

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