
Walter Devoto


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Sobre mi

Основатель StyleItaliano

Член Академии оперативной стоматологии.

Действительный член итальянской Академии консервативной стоматологии и Европейской академии эстетической стоматологии.

Лектор курса эстетической и реставрационной стоматологии при университете Сиены, в Каталон-ском международном университете в Барселоне и Средиземноморском университете в Марселе.

Автор и соавтор многих публикаций в специализированных международных журналах.

Автор разделов в книгах А.Фоше и Ж.Пари "Руководство по эстетике" (Франция, 2003г.) и А.Элсивера "Реставрационная стоматология" (Италия, 2009г.)

An active member of the Italian Academy of Conservative Dentistry and the European Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry.

Founder member of the Italian Academy of Esthetic Dentistry.

Founder member of Styleitaliano.

Since 1996 he has been a member of the Academy of Operative Dentistry.

Author and co-author of various publications in specialised international journals.

As a speaker, he has participated in courses and conferences, both at a national and international level on the subject as well as being speaker, collaborator and demonstrator at most of the major European Universities.

In addition, Dr. Devoto is the author of one of the chapters of “Le Guide Estetique” by A.Faucher and J.C. Paris, QDT 2003, France, “ Odontoiatria Restaurativa”, by A.I.C. Elsevier 2009, Italy, “Traumatologia oral” by A. Mendoza, Ergon 2013, Spain, “Endoprotetyka” by M. Zarow, Quintessence 2013, Poland, Co-author of “Layer” by J. Manauta & A. Salat, QDT 2011.

As well as running his own private surgery in Sestri Levante (GE) and Portofino (GE), he collaborates with prestigious surgeries, specializing in Aesthetic Dentistry through out Europe.

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